
Which Scientists study nature?

Nature is a subject that involves many different types of scientist. Zoologist study animals and botanists study plants. There are many other subdivisions within these individual subjects. Palaeontologist for example, study extinct creatures, whereas biologist study living thing.

Types of Scientist              The study of

Antropologist                      Human beings and their way of life

Bacteriologist                      Bacteria

Biologist                                Living things

Botanist                                 Plants

Ecologist                                living things and their environment

Marine Biologist                  Life in and around the sea

Ornithologist                        Birds

Palaentologist                      Fossils

Physiologist                          The functions of living things and their plants

Zooligist                                 Animals

How do cuttlefish and squid ‘talk’ to each other?

Cuttlefish and squid have a visual language in which they communicate by changing their body colour and patterns. This change happens extremely quickly. waves of colour and complicated pattern pass over the animal’s body when it is frightened or hungry, or trying to escape from danger.

Quetzalcoatlus had a wing span pf greater than 15m, which is larger than that of may light planes.

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